• +27 82 920 8552
  • admin@newne.co.za
  • Johannesburg, South Africa

How Much Do You Love Your Country?


Yesterday I asked you if you loved your country – the response was sad to say the least. I know many of you have struggled for the last 27 years, and become despondent when asked questions like this. We cannot allow hope to die, so today I ask how much do you love your country?

What creates HOPE – when we know that there are many ways of achieving what we want from life, then there is always hope. There are thousands of way to create a better country and life for all who live here. But you must believe and we must all work together to make it happen. I love my country and I believe in the people of South Africa – we have not yet shown the world our true potential. Through The New Nation Education NPO www.newne.co.za – we can help everyone reach their true potential. If you want to be a part of the new South Africa then please join The New Nation Education NPO community on this link, we are offering a life time free membership at the moment – it will not be free for very long. https://www.cubimo.com/c/the-new-nation-education-npo Join us in the big GREEN section at the Top of page. Advantage of being a member there are lots of FREE resources and training courses – You will also be an early adopter, which places you ahead of millions.