• +27 82 920 8552
  • admin@newne.co.za
  • Johannesburg, South Africa


THANK YOU https://silvatree.co/ Today I would like thank the SilvaTree Community and the people that made our online fund raiser a fun and successful event. To @Eleri Cosslett, @Gareth Wax, @Ian Sheffield and @Chris Hayes you are all amazing and I am honoured to know you and be a part of the amazing SilvaTree community. Our online fund raising event…


THANK YOU Today I would like to thank everyone that made the decision to support and help the New Nation Education NPO. You should be proud of yourself for having the guts to stand up and want to make a difference in the lives of the people around you. We will forever be grateful to you and your family for…

It Doesn’t Have To Be That WAY!

It doesn’t have to be that WAY? Over the past few weeks I have tried to help people understand what is coming. I hope many of you have taken the time to think about what is happening and what will happen in our country when the collapse does come. What we have at the moment is a mild cold, what…

Is This YOU?

Are YOU going to accept FAILURE? One day your grandchildren will ask you why they are living in poverty. Will you have the guts to tell the truth, or will you just lie to them. You see it’s one thing to fail yourself, effectively it cost you almost nothing if you don’t tell anyone. But when you fail future generations,…

YOU Think YOU Have TIME!

YOU think YOU have TIME? What happens to most of us is that we think we have time, but the truth is that the end can come at any time. On the other hand we cannot spend everyday planning for our future, because then we would lose the present. However the writing is on the wall about the disaster which…

What Do You Think Will Happen?

Sitting on the wall does not excuse you from taking responsibility when things go wrong in this country. Remember we are not talking about your life here, we are talking about your children and your grandchildren. Today we are talking about future generations for 100 years or more stuck in poverty or living a quality life of freedom. If you…

Opportunity Is Knocking

The window of opportunity is closing – we can stand on the side and watch this opportunity go buy. That will cost us everything we have, our families have, our communities have and our country has. Or we can make a decision today, to help change our country for the better. This choice will cost us a lot less than…

It’s All Over

It’s all over, you have looked back in REGRET. What do you do now? Now that the country is lying before us, roads and infrastructure destroyed, now electricity and no running water. What are you going to do? We need to think about this long and hard, because without the power, water and infrastructure there is not much we can…

What happens if we let the country DIE?

One day you will look back at this moment in time – will your emotion be JOY or REGRET? Have you thought about what happens to a country and the people, when the people let it die. How do you know the country is dying? Simple really, when they can’t keep the lights on, when some areas have no water…

Are You Going To Let Your Country DIE?

I think about our country a lot, because we are currently sitting on the edge of a cliff. Once we slip off the edge there will be no way back, not for 100 years at least. I have traveled extensively in Africa, and from what I have seen in the countries north of us. Is that once a country slips…