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Failure is a learning experience

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher

Chapter 7 – Failure is a learning experience?

The other important thing to remember when setting goals is that most people are over-conservative. They are afraid to make their mental limitation burst wide open. They are too scared to dream. You musn’t be afraid of expanding your mental boundaries. Merely by writing down a series of larger and larger amounts, what you can accomplish in one hour is amazing. Now just writing down some numbers is not going to change anything. So, the next thing you need to do is sit in a quiet space, with your pen and paper to write on. Now start thinking of how you are going to get what you want, what can you do to increase your income to the figure you have written down. Write: in six years to the day I will be a millionaire. The thing to remember about life is that we only learn from failures, so don’t be afraid that you have written down very large amount. It doesn’t matter if you are not afraid to fail then maybe your amount is to low. What is the worst thing that can happen, you don’t reach your target, so what – you will still be way ahead of where you are now.

A very powerful short read.

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It was Norman Vincent Peale that said, shoot for the moon even if you miss, you will land among the stars. What a great way to think about life, at least this way whatever you do aim higher than you expect and you will always do better than you worst.

I know for many people seeing yourself reaching some goals just seem out of reach. You can only build a house one brick at a time. You can’t set a goal for a brand new home and tomorrow morning when you wake up the house is there right where you wanted it. Every large goal you set could have a hundred or even a thousand small goals along the way.

The house could happen over night but that would be up to you.

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