• +27 82 920 8552
  • admin@newne.co.za
  • Johannesburg, South Africa

What Can You Do To Help?

I know when asked the question – What can I do to help? Most of us are thinking, I am one person how could I possibly make any difference. Or I have no money, I can’t help and so the excuses go on and on.

The truth is that everyone in our country should play a roll in the future of our country. I know the question still remains how, but that is not always for us to know. I mean why should we educate the children in any country. Well because they will be the leaders of the future, some will lead the country, some will be business leaders and others will be community and family leaders. You see we don’t know, but we do know we need to prepare them well enough to make leading a natural part of their lives.

If you are still not sure how you can help – take a look at our website main page – don’t stop on donate if that is a problem for you. Go down to the volunteer section and ask how you can help. Click Here

If you don’t feel like a volunteer or even if you do, but you would like to do more then please join our New Nation Education Community at Click Here

It’s free and we have training courses and many other benefits there for you to take advantage of. YOU will be helping us just by becoming a member. Thank you

Our purpose remains focused on making sure the more than 14 million school children in South Africa get the best possible education. While we reduce poverty and crime in the communities. We accomplish this by providing ongoing business training, entrepreneurship training and skills development for all those wanting to change their lives.

We help people understand how money works and how to make it work for you. We help them understand how money works within the economy and how they can earn more.