• +27 82 920 8552
  • admin@newne.co.za
  • Johannesburg, South Africa



Today I would like to thank everyone that made the decision to support and help the New Nation Education NPO. You should be proud of yourself for having the guts to stand up and want to make a difference in the lives of the people around you. We will forever be grateful to you and your family for your generosity and willingness to help. Without you nothing would happen and therefore our country would simply fade into the past. Because of you we can look forward to a brighter better future for in South Africa. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you.

For those of you that never purchased tickets, the sales of tickets closed last night, we are sorry, but in order to run a successful event we needed to finalise information last night.

For those that would still love to help and be a part of the solution we have donation links below, thank you.


If you feel that you can’t make it to the event, please make a donation on our website – Donate NOW

We know many of you are struggling, but this is a time for change. We are providing FREE membership to the New Nation Education NPO Community group on this link – JOIN NOW  (Join us for FREE) you will be helping us just by becoming a member of our community. We would love everyone to become a member of our community, so even if you are going to the event or you are making a donation, please join our community as well. Community members get FREE training courses and many other benefits for being members. PLEASE SHARE THE POST WITH FRIENDS, FAMILY AND CONNECTIONS.

Take a look at our short intro Video Click Here