• +27 82 920 8552
  • admin@newne.co.za
  • Johannesburg, South Africa


THANK YOU https://silvatree.co/

Today I would like thank the SilvaTree Community and the people that made our online fund raiser a fun and successful event. To @Eleri Cosslett, @Gareth Wax, @Ian Sheffield and @Chris Hayes you are all amazing and I am honoured to know you and be a part of the amazing SilvaTree community.

Our online fund raising event last night was a smash hit, we had marble racing, horse racing, a auction and live music, what a great vibe. If you did not attend, you missed a great evening of fun and entertainment.

If you are a business owner and would like to start collaborating with other businesses in the UK. I would recommend that you connect with the SilvaTree community URL above.

For those that would still love to help and be a part of the solution we have donation links below, thank you.


If you feel that you can’t make it to the event, please make a donation on our website – Donate NOW

We know many of you are struggling, but this is a time for change. We are providing FREE membership to the New Nation Education NPO Community group on this link – JOIN NOW  (Join us for FREE) you will be helping us just by becoming a member of our community. We would love everyone to become a member of our community, so even if you are going to the event or you are making a donation, please join our community as well. Community members get FREE training courses and many other benefits for being members. PLEASE SHARE THE POST WITH FRIENDS, FAMILY AND CONNECTIONS.

Take a look at our short intro Video Click Here