• +27 82 920 8552
  • admin@newne.co.za
  • Johannesburg, South Africa


I am truly heart broken at the total lack of interest shown by South Africans. Now I could make all sorts of excuses for you, about how badly the country has been run for more than 27 years or any one of another 1000 excuses. But I am sorry, there are no excuses for the people in a country that are willing to let generation after generation of school children fail in life. That is what we have done for the last 27 years, I know you are tired of hearing people say please help, unfortunately if we do not help those please for help will increase in number by millions every year. I only ask that we be open minded and sensible when we do offer help. We need to spend money wisely, don’t believe that when you give money that is the end of it, no you need to know where the money will be used and if it will create sustainability.