• +27 82 920 8552
  • admin@newne.co.za
  • Johannesburg, South Africa

Do You Love Your Country?


I am sure there are many of you that love your country even more than I do. But the truth is it’s the people that make a country what it is.

My biggest fear in these current times is that we are loosing our beautiful country. We all see and hear about the high crime rates and poverty levels, and if it does not affect us directly we continue moving from day to day without giving it another thought.

Although the crime and poverty does not affect you directly, I promise it will steal the future of your children and grandchildren.

I would like to ask you as a South African citizen to please work with us to save this beautiful country, or within the next few years we will be like Zimbabwe – we will have nothing and the country will just be another third world country on the continent of African.

STOP worrying about what the political parties and governments are doing or not doing, its up to us the people of South Africa, it’s what we want that counts. We are running out of time.

The New Nation Education NPO www.newne.co.za

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