Can you justify your limited beliefs?

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher
Chapter 7 – Can you justify your limited belief?
The young man annoyed about what the millionaire has just said – says, “I don’t understand why you would say that, the fact that I chose that particular amount of money means that I’m level-headed and have both feet firmly on the ground. I can’t see how I can earn more for the time being. After all, I don’t have a degree, my bank balance is almost zero and I’m out of work.”
The millionaire, “your way of thinking is valid, no doubt – in any case, I respect it. The only problem is that this attitude is the cause of your current situation. External circumstances are not really very important. Keep this well in mind: all the events in your life, be they emotional, social or professional, are a mirror image of your thoughts. But since your mind is still unformed it can’t take in this principle yet. Your mind continues to accept the rather widespread illusion that external factors play a part in determining your life, whereas in reality everything in life is basically a matter of attitude. We will continue tomorrow.
I know this is difficult for most of us to accept and that is because everyone we know and everyone we see in society is talking about the external factors that are making their life so difficult or unbearable. It is normal for us to have the same beliefs. We don’t know what we don’t know. But now that you know you can stop blaming, and start looking for the solutions within.
A very powerful short read.
It is sad that most of us spend our whole lives trying to justify to every one else why we have failed – when it could have taken 5 minutes to justify why we could succeed. Most of us grow up in a very limiting environment and we could blame our parents for that, but they did not know what they did not know. So, we could blame their parents, but they did not know what they did not know. It is up to you to break this cycle of poverty, you need to find out what you need to know and then change your future to what you want it to be.
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