• +27 82 920 8552
  • admin@newne.co.za
  • Johannesburg, South Africa


By working together we can help the people in poorer communities improve their quality of life.

Poverty and Crime

Poverty and crime are the hateful twins of a bad education system. The only way to lift people out of poverty and reduce crime is through good quality education.

Child Education

The education for the children in our country has been deteriorating for more than twenty seven years now - we need to make a change or our country is doomed to fail.


With your help

We can change the lives of the more than 7.5 million unemployed

We have more than 7.5 million unemployed people or should we say unemployable people in our country. However if we add the school drop-outs of 500 thousand per year, then we all know the number of unemployable people is staggering. The main reasons for this would be because our education system is failing the youth and the adults are stuck with an industrial age education/employment record. Which means they are looking for jobs that no longer exist. Our sponsored education solution, helps these people move from being unemployed and dependent on the government to being self-employed and totally independent.

High school drop-out in poverty

Recurring Donations Help More Children


Our Campaigns

We are a very young non-profit and have just begun our journey. But we already have three main focus areas.

We want to change the lives of 30M people by uplifting our nation

Opportunity Self-Employed
For Poor People

With our ongoing training and skills development programs, many unemployed people will become self-employed.

For Poor People

We will be providing special entrepreneurship training programs for those that consider themselves entrepreneurs. They will be the ones creating employment in their communities.

Business Opportunities
For Poor People

Our sponsored education solution offers everyone the opportunity of starting their own business. The type of business is up to them. We will be there to train, coach, mentor and guide them until they are successful.

Best Possible Education
For All Children

Our sponsored education solution will generate the funding required for the education of all school children for generations to come.

Become a Volunteer

Becoming a volunteer has so many benefits, both to the volunteer as well as the person being helped. Why no see how you can help change the lives of others, it may put a smile on your face.

    How we work


    Community centers

    The schools in the communities which are being supported by the community members, will become the center of the community. We believe if the community members are helping the school, then the school should be helping the community members.

    Data-driven approach

    By working closely with the community members, we will know what type of employment and businesses they would like to pursue. We will then offer the business and skills development training related to what they want.

    Focused support

    With focused support and training, we believe our results will have a very high impact rate. The success of the community members becoming independent will have a direct impact on the economy of our country


    Number of supporters


    Fund raised


    Children Helped


    Volunteers Worldwide


    Without partners it would not be possible to pursue our objectives. To help the more than 14 million school children get a great education. To help the more than 7.5 million unemployed become self employed, to help the more than 26 million people on social grants improve their quality of live, to help the more than 2 million university/college students pay their tuition fees, to help the more than 2 million school drop-outs become employable, to help the more than 4.5 million disabled people become employed and to help the millions stuck in low income jobs increase their value to the market place.

    Meet Our Team

    Team Members

    Gunther Wallendorf

    Gunther Wallendorf

    CEO/CVO Founder
    • Position :Trainer - Facilitator
    • Experience:20+ Years
    • eMailgunther@gwcorp.co.za

    Spent more than twenty years training customer staff on various control systems.

    Andreas J. Schlemmer

    Andreas J. Schlemmer

    • Position :Trainer - Facilitator
    • Experience:40+ Years
    • eMail:aajjss@absamail.co.za

    Andreas was a school teacher and then a headmaster for many years

    Gregory W. Walker

    Gregory W. Walker

    Director / Co-Founder
    • Position :Logistics
    • Experience:28 Years
    • eMail: Gregwalker@live.co.za

    Ran many of his own businesses over the last 20 years.

    Debra S. Wallendorf

    Debra S. Wallendorf

    Treasurer / Co-Founder
    • Position :Senior Bookkeeper
    • Experience:20 Years
    • eMail:debbie.wallendorf65@gmail.com

    Debbie worked a bookkeeper for the last twenty years for large corporations like the Bombela Consortium - running the Gautrain Projects.


    Why Choose Us?

    Solving social problems requires leaders from foundations, businesses, nonprofits, and governments to re-imagine the systems and relationships that shape our world. We strive for a deep understanding of how to create lasting social change.
    • We seek to unlock each individuals potential

      Unlike other NPO's providing what we would call one touch training workshops. We provide continuous upliftment and training for all members.

    • We seek to drive change on a large scale

      We intend to reduce poverty, by driving change at a scale that out grows the growth of our population.

    Get an Appointment

      Words From Some of Our Members


      I love volunteering with the New Nation Education NPO - the emotional high I get when helping others improve their lives is quite spiritual.
      business woman
      Nqobite Mlamli
      Office Assistant
      Supporting the New Nation Education NPO with the child headed family campaign really pulls at my heart.
      Gilbert Mushonga
      Production Manager
      I never believed it would be possible to help others, I always saw it as the need being to great. But with the New Nation Education NPO - I can see how their concept can change millions of lives.
      Anesh Singh
      Graphic Designer
      • Location

        Randfontein 1759

      • Mobile Phone

        +27 82 920 8552

      • Email


      NPO Ref# 226-529