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A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher

Chapter 6 – Goals need to be written down!

Talking about goals, take a piece of paper and write down the amount of money you want and how much time you will allow yourself to make it in.

The young man is quite disappointed about this secret being so simple. The millionaire explains – all the millionaires I have met confessed to me that they became rich the moment they set themselves an amount and a deadline by which to acquire it.

The you man still disappointed says, I’m sorry I still don’t understand how writing down a figure and a deadline is going to help.

The millionaire replies, “if you don’t know where you are heading the chances are you will never get anywhere.”

The young man says, that would seem like magic to me.

The millionaire that’s exactly what it is – the secret magic of a quantified objective.

I must agree here that this really does work. There are so many things that I have had in my life, which I have asked for some written down and defined clearly and others just a thought. The difference is with the ones which were just a thought or a comments took a long time to come. The ones written down which had a deadline came quicker, although never always on the date required.

A very powerful short read.