• +27 82 920 8552
  • admin@newne.co.za
  • Johannesburg, South Africa

What would you pay?

This question is loaded, so think about it before you decide on an amount you would be willing to pay. It’s all to do with your belief system. If you go with a low amount, then you definitely don’t believe there is a secret. Because if you were going to get truly wealthy, then you would be willing to pay any amount required to get the secret.

You may think that if you have no money or your money is limited that you can use it as an excuse to site step the question. However, the truth is that if you use that excuse again you are in-doubt about the secret. You don’t believe that you could become wealthy.

Another truth, rich people have been using other peoples money to amass their fortunes since money was created. Which means you don’t need money to get started.