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What Is Real Wealth?

wild horses

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher

Chapter 9 – True Wealth

The millionaire says, Life can be a rose garden or hell on earth, depending on your frame of mind. Each time you experience a problem in life, think of peace and tranquillity. If you want them to be, problems can always be directed at someone else. Here is an example of the power of the mind – For those unable to see evil, evil does not exist. The world is but a reflection of your inner self. The conditions in your life are but a mirror image of your inner life. You will also find that thing so rare on earth: love for what ever you do, and love for others. That is the dual secret of true wealth. Until we understand that we cannot achieve true wealth without the help of others, there will be no wealth. Until we accept that we are the creators and controllers of our destiny there can be no wealth. These are things which should have been indoctrinated within us by our parents and grandparents and at school as well. We know why it’s not taught at schools, because governments want control. And we should not blame our parents and grandparent for not passing this very important information onto us, because they did not know and where never indoctrinated with the wealth mindset. But you can change your life and the lives of your children today. Don’t leave this till the time is right it will never be right and you don’t know how much time you have.

A very powerful short read. If you would love to change your life and are interested in becoming a member of a great community – join the New Nation Education NPO – its FREE – https://www.cubimo.com/c/the-new-nation-education-npo

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