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  • Johannesburg, South Africa

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My talk to small business owners of SA – video #9

Hi, I’m Gunther Wallendorf from the New Nation Education NPO –

Today I’m talking to the small and medium size business owners of South Africa.

I know you are struggling to keep your head above water and wondering if it will ever get better.

Now I don’t want to be the messenger of doom, but if you want to know where we are heading as a country we only need to look at Zimbabwe, that is where we are going.

Here is my question to you – why do you think so many hundreds of thousands of Zimbabweans come to SA to look for work?

My second question – why do you think the criminals from Zimbabwe come to SA to do crime?

The answer to question 1 – so many Zimbabweans come to SA looking for work, because there is no real economy in their own country which means there are no jobs.

The answer to question 2 – so many Zimbabwean criminals come to SA because there is nothing of value left in Zimbabwe to steal and our prisons are like hotels when compared with theirs.

Is this what we are going to look forward to? For our children and grand children or are we going to do everything in our power to make sure we don’t follow the path we are heading down?

To me there is not choice – there is only one direction and that is opposite to where we are now.

But we can only do this if we collaborate and work together for change.

We believe the disconnect with entrepreneurship is that people are not given the proper training or the support to succeed.

If we as business owners know and understand how painful this journey is. Can you imagine how difficult it must be without resources to understand the process of business.

As we sit hear listening to this webinar most of us have failed, some even a few times, we are feeling the fear and uncertainty of the future to come. Many of us are sitting in the the position where we just don’t know how.

We would love you to join us as part of this journey, where small business fit in is through generosity with a debit order of R100 per month we can change many lives. When we think about that it’s less than half a bottle of good wine.

Instead of drowning our sorrows because of where our country is going, lets come together as a collective –

And we as the top or middle 7 million employed people we can create a mindset that we are all in this together.

In order for us to create a beautiful thriving South Africa we all have a part to play.

Where do you fit in – currently we have all gone through a lot of pain and suffering, let us work together to reduce the pain and suffering of the people around us.

We as owners and SMME’s can add value to the lives of others and we can uplift people in large numbers – we can no longer wait for politicians and government, we remove blaming and replace it with accountability.

For us to do that we need to partner with each other through collaboration

So, my ask of you today is, are you willing to step up for as little as R100 per month, put your name down and encourage 5 – 10 other business owners that you know to come together as a collective and lets do something.

Because this is focused, it’s intentional and there is impact, there is no way we will fail in this, we can only grow – where do you stand on this?

The New Nation Education NPO is helping to realign the mindset of people to understand that collaborative partnerships are the key – to moving South Africa forward.

Building community is not limited to one community, but helps each community become their own economy and it becomes sustainable.

What is hurting the people in these communities – unemployment and starvation

Properly skilled entrepreneurs generate income for quality education in their own community.

How we help these communities –

For as little as R300 per month per household, they are not just getting nourishment for the family we are helping them build the skills that they need to change their lives.

The R300 per month covers the training and expert advice, upgrading of the value of entrepreneurship and guaranteeing a little food for their home.

When we look at how starvation and the lack of proper resources for education impacts peoples thinking. That is where we get all the anger and disconnect, this is why people take to the streets and destroy infrastructure.

Join us today and be part of this journey, where small business fit in is through generosity with a debit order of R100 per month we can change many lives.

Thank you, I hope to meet you in person someday in the near future.

Let’s connect – my email – rfagunther@gmail.com

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/guntherwallendorf13/

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/GuntherWallendorf/