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The Need For Change

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher

Chapter 11 – Understanding the need for change

Once you understand your need for change in your life in order to reach your aim, you might be thinking that you have no idea of that aim.

A you may start to wonder how the hell you are going to earn the extra $5000 a year that you want. Not to worry. This isn’t a serious dilemma.

What counts is to fully permeate your sub-conscious mind with your goal, duly written down stating such and such an amount and a deadline.

Your sub-conscious mind will do the rest. Stay on your toes. And as you become aware that things won’t get better on their own, when an opportunity or a luck break crops up, you need to be ready to grab it without the slightest hesitation. Don’t allow yourself to be paralysed by fear, which prevents to many people from living their dreams. You know if you do nothing, that nothing will change for you or your family. So you mustn’t hesitate to take the steps necessary to achieve your goal.

Correctly programmed, your sub-conscious mind will work for you 24 hours a day. If you have issued it the order to increase your income by $5000, it will most definitely execute the order. Remind it daily, so that this mission becomes its magnificent obsession.

It is important to read and clarify your goals at least once a day, when something is deeply wanted it must be a desire. A desire is something we fill with emotion, make that emotion passion and when we fill our dreams/goals with the emotion of passion the universe moves to help and guide us to the things we desire the most.

A very powerful short read. If you would love to change your life and are interested in becoming a member of a great community – join the New Nation Education NPO – its FREE – https://www.cubimo.com/c/the-new-nation-education-npo

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