• +27 82 920 8552
  • admin@newne.co.za
  • Johannesburg, South Africa

Scaling Your Business

Webinar – series – How to change the direction of South Africa – Starts Wed 7th Dec 22

Scaling your business – what I see

  1. How do we help businesses grow in SA, to create a thriving economy for all

  2. With the numbers discussed in our previous chat we can see that most businesses will close for good.

  3. Most people will slide into poverty and our country will just become another 3rd world country in Africa.

  4. But if we can help the 7.5 million unemployed, the 2-4 million school drop-outs, the 2 millions students that can’t pay their fees, the disabled, the 26 million on social grants and the people stuck in low income jobs to shift from being dependent to becoming independent and to start earning a life changing monthly income, then your business will thrive again. Communities will be uplifted and everyone will have a better quality of life. Our economy will thrive, this is a win,win, win situation.

  5. How do we do this, only through collaboration for the betterment of all South Africans.

  6. YES – this is expensive to start, but it’s a lot cheaper than doing nothing.

Connect with me – let’s collaborate

rfagunther@gmail.com https://newne.co.za
