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Rise above the clouds

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher

Chapter 14 – Are you above your storm clouds.

Remember that at a certain height there are never any clouds. If the clouds in your life are blocking the light, it’s because your soul hasn’t soared high enough. Most people make the mistake of fighting problems. It’s as if they are constantly bent on trying to eliminate the clouds, to dissolve them by some kind of magical process. Of course, they might manage to dissolve them temporarily, but the clouds will always come back to stand between them and the sun, blocking the light, however bright it may be.

What you must do is to raise yourself above the clouds once and for all.

Focus your mind on one thing that makes you happy for longer and longer periods of time, while sitting in silence. There you will find the path that will lead you above the clouds where the sky is forever blue. Don’t waste your time chasing the clouds, which unceasingly renew themselves…

You might not understand everything I’ve told you now, but accept it in good faith.

What he is actually saying is this – most of us see something in our life we consider a problem, instead of looking for the solution we attack the problem and the more we focus on and attack and hate the problem. The larger and stronger the problem becomes. Why is that?

Everything in life is about energy, our actions, our thoughts and out emotions. We have the ability to transfer and receive energy to and from things and other people. So when we get emotional about a problem we see in our lives, we end up transferring our energy into this thing we believe is a problem in our life. The more energy we transfer into the problem the larger it becomes. The opposite is true, if we look for the solution, we transfer energy into the solution, so the solution starts taking form and grows. Our problem is that as humans we tend to focus on the problems and not on the solutions. Make sure you are looking for solutions.

A very powerful short read. If you would love to change your life and are interested in becoming a member of a great community – join the New Nation Education NPO – its FREE – https://www.cubimo.com/c/the-new-nation-education-npo

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