Resetting Your Mental Limits

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher
Chapter 7 – Finding out what your mental limitations are?
The tragic part is that people who generally fail are the least conscious of these key principles of success and wealth. Conversely, successful individuals have become aware of this phenomenon and done their utmost to work on their self-image.
The easiest way to do this in the beginning, is to take a blank sheet of paper and write down steadily larger amounts. One thing is sure, you can’t become rich if aren’t convinced that you can. The image you create for yourself must conform to that of a person who can become rich.
It really doesn’t matter when you start whether you believe it or not. The more you learn about money and the economy, the more you will come to know and believe that what comes to you is first created in your mind and has nothing to do with what is happening outside of you.
There are millions of dollars flowing around in every economy around the world, why can’t you divert some of it through your bank account.
Remember, we are not trying to collect money, so yes you need to get it into your bank account, but you don’t want to hold onto it, money looses value. You need to purchase valuable assets, that will increase over time or give you a monthly return.
A very powerful short read.
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Let’s get back to the mindset – most people that are struggling are focused on the money. The problem with this is that they are focused on the lack of money, which creates negative emotions within. It is our emotions which are the force behind creation, what do you think you are creating with negative emotions. How do we overcome the problem, by focusing on what you want – no its not money, it what money can by or pay for. If we focus on these things we get to emotions of happiness, relief and maybe even peace and joy. What do you think these emotions create and bring into your life.
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