
A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher
Chapter 10 – Repetition
This technique is commonly called self-suggestion. Everyone of us is subjected to it throughout our lives. Every day we are influenced by inner and outer suggestions. The inner monologue that all of us continually hold with ourselves shapes our lives.
Some of us repeat to ourselves the indoctrinations fed to us while we were growing up, things like we have always been poor and will always be poor. Or that the rich are greedy. Or that we are a failure and just drift from failure to failure, no because we don’t have the necessary qualities to succeed but because that is how we sub-consciously picture ourselves.
When we hold the belief that we are meant to fail because it’s always been that way, what do you think happens, we fail because it’s always been that way, it doesn’t matter how hard you try. Can you imagine a 100 metre Olympic athlete saying to himself, “I know I’m going to lose this race, how could he ever win the race – even if he is the fastest on the field, the self sabotage will cause him to pull up with a injury, because he must remain true to himself and lose the race. There is no rocket science here, this is the power of the mind, the power of self-suggestion. The power of your self-image, which is the reflection of your sub-conscious mind, is again responsible for what happens in your life.
The sub-conscious mind is a slave that can dominate us because it is immensely powerful. But it is also blind, which allows you to learn how to play tricks on it. The sooner we understand that we have the capability to control what we think and that we can change our daily self-talk to something so powerful that it can change our lives. Then our lives will start to change. No one can do this for you, and yes it will take time. Remember your best thinking has got you to where you are. Is it not time to change your best thinking?
A very powerful short read. If you would love to change your life and are interested in becoming a member of a great community – join the New Nation Education NPO – its FREE –
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