• +27 82 920 8552
  • admin@newne.co.za
  • Johannesburg, South Africa

Our Limiting Beliefs That Hold Us Back

In the next 8 – 10 years jobs as we know them today will no longer exist (scientific fact). Large corporations will not be the employers of the future. Jobs are not as secure as they used to be. If you think you are safe. I need you to understand that times have changed and technology is moving a lot faster than you think.

Where does that leave all those people that want to work and earn a living? As the great speaker, author, entrepreneur, millionaire Gary Vaynerchuck says. “We are living in the best time over the last 100 years. It has never been cheaper or easier to get yourself known out in the world, as it is today.” There are millions of opportunities out there, stop being lazy, and do the research.

I believe we are living in the time of the entrepreneur. Which means we need to create things for ourselves if we want our lives to change.

As Jim Rohn would say, “if you want things to change, you have got to change.” LOL

  • What is your intention?

  • What do you WANT?

  • Where do you see yourself in a year from now?

If there is one thing you need take away from my message today it would be this. This one quote will change your life forever if you understand it and work on yourself. And even if you do nothing else, your life will still get better.

  • Around 2000 years ago the philosopher Marcus Aurelius wrote these words – “Things have no hold on the soul. They stand there unmoving, outside it. Disturbance comes only from within – from our own perceptions.

  • Let me say that again because this will set you FREE.

  • “Things have no hold on the soul. They stand there unmoving, outside it. Disturbance comes only from within – from our own perceptions.

  • (How different the world be today if this were taught at schools).

Our perceptions, our belief systems, our indoctrinations, and our truths. Where they come from and why they are the things that are holding you back.

We are heavily indoctrinated as we grow up. By our parents, family, society, schools, churches, and the governments. The problem is that we believe them to be true.

Here is the thing – our mind only keeps what we believe to be true as a rule by which to live by.

The problem is the mind doesn’t know the difference between what is really true and what you believe to be true. What you believe to be true comes from your perceptions and indoctrinations.

Most of us grow up with a limiting belief system the scarcity mindset. Here is a simple example of how this normally happens.

When I was about 6 years old, we would go shopping with my mother once a month for groceries. Just like any other small child, once in the shop it wouldn’t be long before I ask my mother the question. “Mom can I have this please?” She would stop and turn to see what I was asking for and the reply would always be the same. “Money doesn’t grow on trees you know.” And she would walk on.

I know that many of you have heard this either from your parents or someone else. Have you ever thought about how limiting these words can be? They create the scarcity mindset.