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No one can do it for YOU

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher

Chapter 11 – Nobody can do it for you

The goals we write down need to be internalised. We do this through repeating aloud every day. This is similar to anything we want to be good at in life. How does an Olympic athlete get there, he/she practices every day, sometime for 8 – 10 hours a day.

When we do the same thing with our goals by repeating them aloud more than a few times a day, thoughts become actions, Actions become habits, Habits become our destiny.

Keep practising your goal until it becomes a destiny. This is the way we are indoctrinated as children, our parents repeat things to us over and over and eventually we believe it to be true, we accept it and it becomes our truth, whether we want it or not.

When you first start to do this it’s not easy, because our minds are prone to drift off. Try repeating/reading your goal ten times in the morning and ten times in the evening, if your mind drifts off, bring yourself back into the moment and start from the beginning again. You must not allow this to become a mundane routine, because that would then be a pointless exercise. You must repeat your goal with emotions which you will feel when you get there, but you must feel that as if you are there already now as you are speaking the words. If you can’t stick to such an elementary form of discipline, then you should give up your dreams of becoming rich…

Anyone can do this, all it takes is persistence.

Why do we have to read our goals aloud? The reason we repeat the goal aloud is so that the sub-conscious mind believes the instruction is coming from outside – because you hear yourself repeating the goal. So you are thinking the goal, speaking the goal and hearing the goal repeatedly.

Don’t forget to say it with excitement and enthusiasm in your voice, as I said you must be emotional about this goal. If you can’t get excited about your goal, maybe its not the right goal for you.

A very powerful short read. If you would love to change your life and are interested in becoming a member of a great community – join the New Nation Education NPO – its FREE – https://www.cubimo.com/c/the-new-nation-education-npo

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