Love What You Do

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher
Chapter 12 – Love what you do.
Looking back at yesterday’s post you may be thinking -it seems like a philosophy of death. And yet it is a philosophy of life, one hundred percent. Those who never do what they really enjoy doing, who have given up on their dreams, so to speak, belong to the living dead.
To understand this philosophy ask your self the question again and answer it with total sincerity. If you lie you will only be lying to yourself, and you become the loser in the game. Here is the question –
If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, wouldn’t you change your plans for today? Wouldn’t you do something else with your life rather than what you’ve been doing up to now?
Let’s say you want to make amends with people tell them how much you loved them and all these things took up one hour – what would you do with the remaining twenty three hours.
You will find that you can ask anyone this question and they will fall into two categories. Unhappy people who don’t enjoy their lives will tell you that they would do something totally different. And you wouldn’t need to wonder if they were telling the truth. Why on earth would they continue doing something they hate if they only had twenty four hour left to live?
The second group – unfortunately it’s the minority, would do exactly what they normally do every day. Why would they change? Their work is their passion. Isn’t is quite understandable that they would do it till their time was up?
Life is there to be enjoyed and loved, STOP wasting the little time you have left doing things you hate.
A very powerful short read. If you would love to change your life and are interested in becoming a member of a great community – join the New Nation Education NPO – its FREE –
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