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Life Gives What You Ask For

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher

Chapter 11 – Life will only give you what you expect and take action ON.

What most of us don’t understand until we get a lot older is that life will give us what we expect from it. This is something which is not taught at school or university. Our parents were not taught this so they could not pass it onto us. The sad thing is that this has been known for thousands of years and it has not been passed on. I believe it was always controlled by those in power who did not want the masses to know this law of the universe. They kept the masses in the dark so that they could control the people. We may have heard this worded in a few different ways, but we lost the belief when we did not see any results. In the good book it says, if you want something just ASK, and when we are young we do this. But when nothing comes we stop asking. The problem was not that we asked, the problem was that we were not taught how to ask, how to do the research, plan and take action.

It is really pointless asking for something if we are not willing to take the action to get what we want. Here is an example of what I mean –

A school lever decides he would like to be a doctor, so he asks to be a doctor. He waits a week and again he asks to be a doctor, again he waits a week and asks again. Later in life when people ask him what he does he says, I am a mechanic, but I wanted to be a doctor. He still doesn’t understand why he did not get what he asked for. He did no research as to which university he would have to go to and what the cost would have been. He did nothing to raise the money so he could go to university, because he didn’t know how much money he would need.

If you are not going to take the action to get you from where you are to where you want to be – then don’t ask.

Life will give you what you ask for – make sure you are asking for more than you need.

A very powerful short read. If you would love to change your life and are interested in becoming a member of a great community – join the New Nation Education NPO – its FREE – https://www.cubimo.com/c/the-new-nation-education-npo

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