Know What You Want

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher
Chapter 12 – Knowing what you want.
Most people want to be happy, but they don’t know what they are looking for. So, most people will die without ever having found what they want.
And even if they did find it, since they did not know what they’re looking for how would they ever recognise it?
They’re exactly like the people hunting for wealth, they truly want to be rich. But when you ask them abruptly how much they would like to earn a year, most of them are incapable of answering
When you don’t know where you are going, you generally get nowhere.
This formula is so simple – it is really the way the universe works to help us. I mean if someone needed your help, but didn’t say what help he/she needed and you never knew them well enough how would you help them. You would listen to what their inner thoughts where saying and give them more right, you would believe that is what they are asking for.
There is nothing more fair than the way the universe responds to us, it always gives what we are thinking about. The universe has no idea that you can’t express it positively. When we express our deepest pain and say I can’t live like this any more I have no money. The universe responds with “so you want no money” OK I won’t help you get more money.
You scream out inside, I can’t pay these bills, the universe says OK I will help you not pay those bills.
I hope you understand how simple it is, the thing is that most of us have it backwards. We say I can’t – instead of say I want to earn more money, I want to learn how to earn more, I want to learn a new skill so I can earn a second income.
A very powerful short read. If you would love to change your life and are interested in becoming a member of a great community – join the New Nation Education NPO – its FREE –
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