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Is You Back Against The Wall?

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher

Chapter 3 – Are you waiting for the perfect time?

People who waste time waiting for the perfect conditions to fall into place never get anything done. The ideal time for action is NOW!

Another lesson in life this will teach you is this – if you want to succeed in life, you have to make sure you have no choice in the matter. You have to put your back to the wall.

People who refuse to take risk on the pretext that they don’t have all the elements in hand never get anywhere. The reason is simple when you cut off all your exits, and put your back to the wall, you mobilize all your inner power. You force you mind to go into overdrive in finding a solution.

At this point you want something to happen with every fibre of your being.

This may seem a bit radical to many, but unless you place yourself in a position where you are extremely uncomfortable because of fear of not knowing, your mind will not go into overdrive.

A very powerful short read.