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Is it Really a Problem

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher

Chapter 14 – A problem is a problems only if you think it is.

The secret lies in mental concentration. When your mind has become strong and self assured through concentration exercises you will come to realise that life’s problems no longer have any hold over you.

You will then understand that things are only as important as the mind believes them to be. A problem is a problem only if you think it is.

What does this mean? – if you consider that nothing is serious, that nothing is truly important, then nothing will be serious in your eyes, nothing will be truly important. Problems will appear large and overwhelming to you in direct proportion to the weakness of your mind.

The stronger your mind is, the more insignificant your problems will appear. Such is the secret of eternal peace, So concentrate. This is one of the greatest keys to success. In fact all of life is basically a long concentration exercise. The soul is immortal. Passing from life to life, the mind slowly discovers itself and develops.

When your mind reaches it’s highest level of concentration, you will enter the singular state where dreams and reality literally coincide.

Why is this important – well many of us believe what is around us is reality, but we also believe what is real is unchanging. If that is the case then most of our physical earthly life is not real, because everything is in motion and continues to change – the only thing that remains the same is our eternal spirit and therefore that is reality. Remember we are not a body with a spirit but a spirit with a body. When our dreams and reality become one, we are mostly spirit.

A very powerful short read. If you would love to change your life and are interested in becoming a member of a great community – join the New Nation Education NPO – its FREE – https://www.cubimo.com/c/the-new-nation-education-npo

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