Failure Is Not Permanent

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher
Chapter 7 – Failure is a learning experience?
Obviously, this formula is not only valid for those who want to become millionaires, After all, not everyone cherishes that ambition. And that is the beauty of this secret. It works equally well for any dreams – from the most modest to the most extravagant. It can make you an extra $5000 a year or double your income in a year – something that is totally feasible, by the way.
You should write your goals down, they are more powerful when written down. That way you can also stick them to the wall somewhere you can see and read them every day. Write down the amount you want and the date by when you would like to earn it..
Remember one thing; for as long as you aren’t used to the idea of becoming a millionaire, for as long as it isn’t an integral part of your life and thus of your inner most thoughts, nothing can help you become a millionaire. Or anything else you want in life, it is one of the keys to your success, what ever you desire must become an integral part of your life.
There is no way around this, if you want something within a specified time period.
I must say that I have had a few goals/dreams come true without writing them down. But they were not within my control a bit more like a wish I suppose. The truth is if you make a statement with intention, it will probably come true for you, but it could take decades.
When I was around 20 years old, my older brother asked me why I was renting when I could have bought my home. My reply was well, I don’t want to have a 20 – 30 year bond on my neck, I will buy a home when I can pay it off in 5 years.
Well I bought my first home when I was 50 years old and paid it off in 5 years. So, these wishes and statements can come true but it took 30 years for me to get there.
Today I believe if I had written that goal down and pursued it with everything in my being I would have had my first home before I turned 30 years old.
A very powerful short read. If you would love to change your life and are interested in becoming a member of a great community – join the New Nation Education NPO – its FREE – JOIN HERE
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