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Courage and Ambition

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher

Chapter 7 – Are you ambitious enough?

After a lot of persuasion the millionaire get the young man to change the amount he had written down on the piece of paper to $60,000 for the year.

The young man says that is the maximum I could ever hope to earn.

The millionaire says that’s a pretty modest figure. Some people earn that in a month, others in a week and some earn it in a day – every day of the year.

Let me congratulate you, anyway. You have made astounding progress: you have more than doubled your self-image and considerably extended your mental boundaries. I don’t want you to feel like I am pushing you. You have to start by setting yourself an objective that you consider BOLD but at the same time reasonable. Otherwise it would be to hard for you to believe it.

The secret of a good GOAL is that it must be both ambitious and within reach.

Setting a smart goal is one of the keys to you reaching your dreams, but there is a lot of work to do along the way. That could mean you want a better job to earn the type of money you have always wanted, but that means you need to start developing yourself for the position. So that when you find the job you are ready, and the only candidate for the position.

There may be hundreds of smaller tasks that may need to be completed before you can say, “I have reached my goal.”

A very powerful short read.