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Life is Short

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher Chapter 14 – Smell the roses The millionaire says, “I must have smelled these roses thousands of times, and yet each time it’s a different experience. Do you know why? Because I have learned to live in the here and now. Forgetful of the past, unmindful of the future. The…

The Details Are More Important

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher Chapter 13 – The details? If you think you can’t, you will be blocking yourself from the start. So do this exercise. Write down what you want out of life in minute detail, without holding anything back. It will show you the limits of your ambitions, and your mental limits….

Planning Your Life

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher Chapter 13 – More life planning? Although we spoke about financial goals we need to look at non-financial objectives as well. Here are a few examples of what that might look like. Two-week holidays at least three times a year, whenever I felt like taking them. To be my own…

How Much Should I Plan My Life?

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher Chapter 13 – How much should I plan my life? You have already taken the first step towards reaching your goal. It was writing down the formula on a sheet of paper, with a quantified objective: an amount and a deadline. For the second step, grab your diary/journal where you…

Be Still, And Know That I Am God

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher Chapter 12 – Be still then, and know that I am God Sometimes when we refer to phrases, sentences or quotes from the bible, there are people that prefer not to read further. That of course is their choice. The way I see the bible is an instruction manual to…

Do You Love Your Job?

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher Chapter 12 – Do You Enjoy Your Job? The best way to figure out if your current job/employment really pleases you is to ask yourself this question. If I had two million dollars in the bank tomorrow, would I continue doing the same job. Obviously if the answer is “NO”…

Don’t Allow Fear To Stop You

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher Chapter 12 – Don’t allow fear to STOP you Don’t you find it presumptuous of people to believe that they always have their entire life ahead of them? In many cases, death strikes out of the blue. People, however, rely on the certainty – or rather the illusion – that…

You Are A Genius

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher Chapter 12 – Become The Genius You Are. Each one of us in our own way and in our own occupation can become a genius, even is unrecognised by society. To be a genius simply means to do what you enjoy doing. That is the true genius of life. Mediocrity…

Love What You Do

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher Chapter 12 – Love what you do. Looking back at yesterday’s post you may be thinking -it seems like a philosophy of death. And yet it is a philosophy of life, one hundred percent. Those who never do what they really enjoy doing, who have given up on their dreams,…

To Die Happy

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher Chapter 12 – To Die Happy Happiness isn’t a definition, so it applies to everybody. How would you know if you were happy, there is a key to deciding if you are happy or not. With this key you will be able to know beyond a shadow of a doubt…