Be Still, And Know That I Am God

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher
Chapter 12 – Be still then, and know that I am God
Sometimes when we refer to phrases, sentences or quotes from the bible, there are people that prefer not to read further. That of course is their choice. The way I see the bible is an instruction manual to a better life.
It is very basic advice, so why make it about being right or wrong.
The statement “Be still then, and know that I am God” is there for people in moments of difficulty. Anything form depression to hatred, these words allow us to know that we are not alone.
Not only that they are trying to help us understand that when our mind is moving at a million miles an hour, with all the thoughts and clutter that is all around us, if we do not become still, we will become very sick and could even die.
Stillness of the mind is as important to us as the air we breathe. When I was first introduced to meditation, I could not understand the reason for wanting to think about nothing – or should I say not think about anything.
Even when I went to martial arts and did mediation sessions, I still had not understood the purpose.
But a few years ago while doing some self-development, my coach at the time said he did meditation every morning and it really help him. So, if someone you respect gives you advice and it worked for them why would you not try it right. Once again I pursued this thing called meditation. Now for the first time in my life I knew what it was about and what the benefits were. For me after a few days I realised that by not thinking about anything, my mind had reduced the negative thoughts which would keep coming back to haunt me. You know the ones, when you doubt yourself and what you are doing and then your mind produces all the negative talk.
The amazing thing was that the positive talk was still there and now it was more dominant than ever before. Meditation is different for each of us, but don’t be afraid to be still.
When ever you find yourself stressed out, panicking or afraid or doubtful, tell yourself to be still then, and know that I am GOD. This will have an amazing calming effect on your mind. It will bring you that feeling of serenity so necessary for getting through life’s upheavals.
This can be more powerful than any of the other formulas to success, because you don’t know what your purpose in life will be. When we look at great leaders and I am not talking about the politicians LOL – I mean the truly great leaders of humanity – Jesus Christ – Mohammed – Mahatma Gandhi – Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela – there is one thing that stands out – it was there inner calmness even in times of stress and chaos.
A very powerful short read. If you would love to change your life and are interested in becoming a member of a great community – join the New Nation Education NPO – its FREE –
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