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Are You Growing Every Day?

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher

Chapter 7 – Are you expanding your life?

All the achievers before you firmly believed that they could accomplish great things. All those that became rich were deeply convinced that they could get rich. And that is why they succeeded.

Inside each of us lies an obscure city. Astonishingly enough, this city is exactly the way you picture it to be. It’s surprisingly flexible. The size of your inner city depends on the exact circumference you give it. Few people know that this inner city exists. The boundaries you set up for it are commonly know as your “self-image”.

By increasing the figure you wrote down on the piece of paper, you set into motion the process of expanding your city limits. The inner you has begun to grow, your inner city is stating to expand.

All wise thinkers have said for the ages – The greatest limitation man can impose on himself, and thus the greatest obstacle to his success, is mental.

Expand your mental limits and you will expand your life. The conditions in your life will change as if by magic.

The truth is that we don’t like change – we hate it, because we feel it more work for us. We never look to see what the benefits will be. We just make futile excuses as to why change is a bad idea. But the real truth here is that everything is changing all the time and most of us are being left behind, just because we are lazy. STOP lying to yourself, and work with change. Be honest with yourself and think of one time in your life when change was bad for you. I know you lost a child, and that maybe painful. But these are the facts of life, we are born and we will die. We are not here to say what right or wrong, but to learn from the experience.

A very powerful short read.