• +27 82 920 8552
  • admin@newne.co.za
  • Johannesburg, South Africa

What We Need To Do

Hi I’m Gunther Wallendorf from the NNE-NPO – today I’m talking to the CEO’s and business owners of South Africa.

In my last video we spoke about doing nothing and what the consequences would be.

Let’s focus on what we can do, we can help the poor struggling people of South Africa make the shift from being dependent to becoming independent.

Again I hear you say, “that will cost a fortune, where will the money come from?”

Yes, it will cost a fortune, but it’s cheaper than doing nothing which will cost you your business, career and our country.

Our project “Uplift A Nation” is about helping the unemployed, the school drop-outs, the students that can’t afford to pay their fees, the disabled, the people on social grants and the people employed in low income jobs.

The start-up costs of the project are high, but our program is self-sustainable and therefore by year three, we will no longer be asking for funding support.

This is a win, win, win situation. You will have a continuous supply of paying customers in the future, we will uplift our poor communities and our country will have a thriving economy.

Let’s connect and collaborated, time is running out.