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You are not the First and you won’t be the LAST

A deep dive into “The Instant Millionaire” by Mark Fisher

Chapter 7 – This may shock you?

Life is exactly how we picture it to be. I know you are thinking what is he smoking, lol. Everything that happens to you is brought on by your thoughts. So if you want to change your life, you must start by changing your thoughts. Many “rational” individuals stubbornly refute this principle. All those who have accomplished great things in life, regardless of the field, have always ignored the objections raised by rational thinkers and intellectuals. I’m not against intelligence. Quite the contrary. Reasoning and logic are necessary in order to achieve success. But they aren’t enough. They must be instruments and faithful servants, nothing more. Yet in most cases they become roadblocks in the way of great achievements, which are created only by those who have faith in the power of the mind. When you come down to it, the circumstances facing great achievers in the past were no different from those facing their contemporaries.

You believe you’ve got it bad, the truth is it’s no worse than it’s ever been, so millions have had your struggles and pain before you and they managed to get through it. So will you, understand that you are doing it to yourself.

A very powerful short read.

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Let’s say that you are very poor and you are struggling from month to month unable to ever pay all your bills. You maybe be feeling that you have the worst life ever. Now let’s say there is a very wealthy man living down the road from you. You maybe thinking I bet he has no problems to pay his bills he is so lucky. The wealthy man sees you and thinks to himself that man is so luck he has his health. You see the rich man is dying and all the money in the world cannot buy him a cure. So, don’t for one minute believe that you are the only person in the world that has problems.

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