• +27 82 920 8552
  • admin@newne.co.za
  • Johannesburg, South Africa

Parenting to create a community

African children on street

We know that over the past 25 years life for most people in poorer communities has become extremely tough. That is why the New Nation Education NPO was created. As struggling parents, there is nothing that breaks ones heart more than not being able to give your children what they need to succeed.

We know that jobs have become less and over the years the household income has not been able to keep up with inflation.

Our sponsored education solution is here to help ensure that your children get the best possible education and that we break the poverty cycle at this generation.

Our solution will help those parents who have been stuck in a low income job for years move into the age of technology and step up to the job they want or to become totally self employed.

For those that have lost their jobs, the training we provide will move you into the technology age, where you can start your own business if that is what you want.

We know that it takes community to raise a child and believe that when we help the parents and other community members with business training, entrepreneurship and skills development, the children will benefit as well.